My Trading Rules
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These Are my trading rules. You must read carefully before trading with me.
These are the rules you will have to follow if we do a trade. Unless there is a serious problem or a request.

1. Please dont lie about the Generation or quality of the show on the cdr.

2. Make sure you inform me if there is any clicks or errors on the cdr.

3. Please make sure you don't leave 2 second gaps and use DAO (Disc At Once) whilst burning cdr's.

4. Use a Program that won't force the disc to click for example Nero. Please, dont use Easy Cd Creator.

5. Same day trades are preferred, unless there is a problem or a reason.

6. Always send by airmail if youre out of the U.K

7. Use protected envelopes, for example a Jiffy Bag.

8. At the moment only request a trade if your Queen cdr is a full show, I do not want cut shows.

9. No Mp3 Sourced shows!

10. Please dont use unbranded cdr's. Use something like Datawrite or Memorex.

11. Artwork isnt a problem, but if you have it then it'd be nice to trade it over email.