Jays Queen Boots
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Welcome To My Queen Website!


My Name is Jay and this is my Queen bootleg page.

I am going to include:
What Bootlegs i have got or i am due to receive.

What my Trading Rules are.

what references i have from sucessful trades.

a links page which will tell you what other sites i have made and a search engine to look for other excellent queen bootleg sites

And a Guestbook where you can tell me your views and comments on my Queen Bootleg Site.
Site Updates
I will update my site 2 times a week. If I get a new bootleg cdr.

I will also tell you if I have added anything to the bootleg page, for example a new show that i have received.

If theres anyone who can send or tell me something that will be An Update to my Website then please Email it to me, you can Find a link to my email at the Bottom on the page.

Brian May, Rodger Taylor, John Deacon, Freddie Mecury

If you have spotted and error like a spelling mistake or a wrong date then please
Email me so I can fix it. My email address is in the bottom right hand corner.
Click on the address to email.

Thanks Jay.

Email me at
